Thursday, 7 July 2011

Tips - The Best Out Of A Night Shoot

Fig : Example Night Shoot

4 Tips " How to produce images at Night" :

Plan your shoot - If you live in a town or city, it's best to get as far away from street lighting as you can. If you don't you'll find that sodium lights create a strong and disagreeable orange color cast. For the best results choose night scenes as far from urban areas as possible. 

Prefocus - Switch off autofocus and make sure the camera id focused at infinity. The slightest error will create soft-focused images. After you've taken the first shot, check that your focusing is correct by reviewing the picture on the camera LCD.

Find a solid base - Make sure your tripod is mounted on a solid base, preferably a rock surface. This will prevent any movement during the exposure times. If you don't have a heavy tripod, hang your camera bag from the centre column (most modern tripods should have a hook for this purpose ).

Disable in-camera noise reduction - In camera noise reduction takes a blank exposure, which doubles your exposure times and applies indiscriminate noise reduction. This can have a detrimental effects on image aesthetics. Use specialized computer software to handle the problem back home.

Here are some basic tips to produce images at night. I am sure you are a distance photography, if you have tip and techniques to produce images at night can leave the comment section. 

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